2025 Solari Calendar
Note: Some event dates are subject to change
Date | Description | Category |
2025/01/01 | New Year's Day | Holiday |
2025/01/20 | Martin Luther King Jr. Day | Holiday |
2025/01/29 | Chinese New Year - Year of the Snake | Holiday |
2025/02/02 | Groundhog Day | Holiday |
2025/02/14 | Valentine's Day | Holiday |
2025/02/17 | President's Day | Holiday |
2025/02/28 - 2025/03/29 | Ramadan | Holiday |
2025/03/04 | Mardi Gras | Holiday |
2025/03/05 | Ash Wednesday | Holiday |
2025/03/08 | International Women's Day | Holiday |
2025/03/09 | Daylight Saving Time starts in the U.S. | Holiday |
2025/03/17 | St. Patrick's Day | Holiday |
2025/03/30 | Daylight Saving Time starts in the UK and Europe | Holiday |
2025/04/12 - 2025/04/20 | Passover | Holiday |
2025/04/15 | Tax Day U.S. | Holiday |
2025/04/20 | Easter Sunday | Holiday |
2025/04/22 | Earth Day | Holiday |
2025/05/01 | Labor Day | Holiday |
2025/05/05 | Cinco de Mayo | Holiday |
2025/05/11 | Mother's Day (U.S.) | Holiday |
2025/05/26 | Memorial Day | Holiday |
2025/06/15 | Father's Day (U.S.) | Holiday |
2025/06/19 | Juneteenth | Holiday |
2025/07/04 | Independence Day | Holiday |
2025/07/14 | Bastille Day | Holiday |
2025/09/01 | Labor Day | Holiday |
2025/09/23 | Rosh Hashanah | Holiday |
2025/10/02 | Yom Kippur | Holiday |
2025/10/13 | Columbus Day | Holiday |
2025/10/26 | Daylight Saving Time ends in UK and Europe | Holiday |
2025/10/31 | Halloween | Holiday |
2025/11/01 | All Saints Day | Holiday |
2025/11/02 | Daylight Saving Time ends in the U.S. | Holiday |
2025/11/11 | Veteran's Day | Holiday |
2025/11/27 | Thanksgiving | Holiday |
2025/12/15 - 2025/12/22 | Hanukkah | Holiday |
2025/12/25 | Christmas Day | Holiday |
2025/12/31 | New Year's Eve | Holiday |
2025/01/26 | Presidential Election in Belarus | Global |
2025/02/23 | Federal Elections in Germany | Global |
2025/03/04 | National People's Congress in Beijing, China | Global |
2025/03/28 - 2025/05/31 | Defender U.S. Military Exercises in Europe | Global |
2025/04/01 - 2025/06/15 | Griffin Lightning Military Exercises in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland | Global |
2025/04/06 | General Election in Greenland | Global |
2025/04/13 - 2025/10/13 | World Expo in Osaka, Japan | Global |
2025/05/04 | Presidential Election in Romania | Global |
2025/05/12 | General Election in the Philippines | Global |
2025/05/18 | Presidential Election in Poland | Global |
2025/05/19 - 2025/05/27 | W.H.O General Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland | Global |
2025/06/TBA | The Bilderberg Club Meeting (TBA) | Global |
2025/06/15 - 2025/06/17 | G-7 Annual Summit i Kanananskis, Canada | Global |
2025/09/08 | Parlimentary Elections in Norway | Global |
2025/09/09 | United Nations General Assembly, 79th Session Opens in New York | Global |
2025/09/14 | Russian Elections | Global |
2025/10/TBA | National Party Congress in Beijing, China (TBA) | Global |
2025/10/20 | Federal Elections in Canada | Global |
2025/10/26 | Legislative General Elections in Argentina | Global |
2025/11/10 - 2025/11/21 | COP U.N Climate Change Conference in Belem, Brazil | Global |
2025/11/22 - 2025/11/23 | G20 Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa | Global |
2025/01/01 | Malaysia Takes Over Chairmanship of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) | Banks |
2025/01/20 - 2025/01/24 | World Economic Forum in Davos | Banks |
2025/01/24 | Bank of Japan Meeting | Banks |
2025/01/30 | European Central Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/02/06 | Bank of England Meeting | Banks |
2025/03/20 | Swiss National Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/04/15 | U.S. Tax Deadline | Banks |
2025/04/17 | European Central Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/04/25 - 2025/04/27 | Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank Group | Banks |
2025/05/01 | Bank of Japan Meeting | Banks |
2025/05/08 | Bank of England Meeting | Banks |
2025/06/05 | European Central Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/06/10 - 2025/06/15 | The Bilderberg Club Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden (TBC) | Banks |
2025/06/19 | Swiss National Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/07/24 | European Central Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/07/TBA | BRICS Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Banks |
2025/07/TBA | The Bohemian Grove Encampment in Monte Rio, CA (TBA) | Banks |
2025/07/31 | Bank of Japan Meeting | Banks |
2025/08/07 | Bank of England Meeting | Banks |
2025/08/TBA | Kansas City Economic Policy Symposium in Jackson Hole, WY (TBA) | Banks |
2025/09/25 | Swiss National Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/10/01 | U.S. Government Fiscal Year Begins | Banks |
2025/10/17 - 2025/10/19 | IMF and World Bank Group Annual Meeting in Washington D.C | Banks |
2025/10/30 | European Central Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/10/30 | Bank of Japan Meeting | Banks |
2025/11/12 | Swiss National Bank Meeting | Banks |
2025/11/TBA | Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Korea | Banks |
2025/12/18 | Bank of Engand Meeting | Banks |
2025/01/09 | 10-Q: Large Accelerated Filers: Due Thursday, January 09, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/01/29 | 10-K: Large Accelerated Filers: Due Wednesday, January 29 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/02/10 | 10-Q: Large Accelerated Filers: Due Monday, February 10, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/03/03 | 10-K: Large Acceelerated Filers: Due Monday, March 03, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/03/12 | 10-Q: Large Accelerated Filers: Due Wednesday,March 12, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 01/31/25 | SEC |
2025/04/01 | 10-K: Large Accelerated Filers: Due Tuesday, April 01, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 01/31/25 | SEC |
2025/01/09 | 10-Q: Accelerated Filers: Due Thursday, January 09, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/01/14 | 10-Q: Accelerated Filers: Due Tuesday, January 14, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 10/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/10 | 10-Q: Accelerated Filers: Due Monday, February 10, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/28 | 10-K: Accelerated Filers: Due Friday, February 28, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/03/17 | 10-Q: Accelerated Filers: Due Monday, March 17, 2025 for Quarterly Period Eneded 01/31/25 | SEC |
2025/03/31 | 10-K: Accelerated Filers: Due Monday, March 31, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/01/14 | 10-Q: Non-Accelerated Filers: Due Tuesday, January 14, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/01/29 | 10-K: Non-Accelerated Filers: Due Wednesday, January 29, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 10/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/14 | 10-Q: Non-Accelerated Filers: Due Friday, February 14, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/28 | 10-K: Non-Accelerated Filers: Due Friday, February 28, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/03/17 | 10-Q: Non-Accelerated Filers: Due Monday, March 17, 2025 for Quarterly Period Ended 01/31/25 | SEC |
2025/03/31 | 10-K: Non-Accelerated Filers: Due Monday, March 31, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/01/10 | 13H-Q: Due Friday, January 10, 2025 for Calendar Quarter Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/01/14 | 5: Due Tuesday, January 14, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/01/29 | 24F-2: Due Wednesday, January 29, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 10/31/24 | SEC |
2025/01/29 | 11-K: Due Wednesday, January 29, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 10/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/14 | 13-F: Due Friday, February 14, 2025 for Calendar Quarter Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/14 | 13H-A: Due Friday, February 14, 2025 for Calendar Year Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/14 | 5: Due Friday, February 14, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/02/28 | 24F-2: Due Friday, February 28, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/02/28 | 11-K: Due Friday, February 28, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/03/03 | 20-F: Due Monday, March 03, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 10/31/24 | SEC |
2025/03/17 | 5: Due Monday, March 17, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 01/31/25 | SEC |
2025/03/31 | 20-F: Due Monday, March 31, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 11/30/24 | SEC |
2025/03/31 | 11-K: Due Monday, March 31, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/03/31 | 24F-2: Due Monday, March 31, 2025 for Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/24 | SEC |
2025/01/28 - 2025/01/29 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/03/18 - 2025/03/19 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/05/06 - 2025/05/07 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/06/17 - 2025/06/18 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/07/29 - 2025/07/30 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/09/16 - 2025/09/17 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/09/16 - 2025/09/17 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/10/28 - 2025/10/29 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
2025/12/09 - 2025/12/10 | Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meets | Banks |
Ongoing - 2025/03/30 | Spirit and Splendor: El Greco, Velázquez and the Hispanic Baroque - Boca Raton / Museum of Art | Art |
Ongoing - 2025/09/25 | The Met at the Louvre: Near Eastern Antiquities - The Louvre, Paris | Art |
2025/01/10 - 2025/03/31 | Dolce & Gabbana: From Heart to Hand - Grand Palais, Paris | Art |
2025/01/15 - 2025/05/25 | Suzanne Valadon - Centre Pompidou, Paris | Art |
2025/01/24 - 2025/06/22 | From Odessa to Berlin: European Painting of the 16th to 19th c. - Gemäldegallerie, Berlin | Art |
2025/02/08 - 2025/05/11 | Caspar David Friedrich: The Soul of Nature - The MET, New York | Art |
2025/02/10 - 2025/05/04 | Marina Vargas: Revelations - La Reina Sofia, Madrid | Art |
2025/02/15 - 2025/05/18 | Kandinsky's Universe: Geometric Abstraction in the 20th c. - Museum Barberini, Potsdam | Art |
2025/02/25 - 2025/05/25 | Gustave Caillebotte: Painting Men - The Getty Center, Los Angeles | Art |
2025/02/28 - 2025/06/15 | Gothic Modern: From Darkness to Light - National Museum, Oslo | Art |
2025/03/05 - 2025/08/25 | Corps et Âmes - La Bourse Pinault Collection, Paris | Art |
2025/03/07 - 2025/06/09 | Anselm Kiefer - Van Gogh Museum & Stedelijk, Amsterdam | Art |
2025/03/08 - 2025/06/22 | Siena: The Art of Painting - National Gallery, London | Art |
2025/03/09 - 2025/05/26 | Tamara de Lempicka - Museum of Fine Arts, Houston | Art |
2025/03/15 - 2025/05/13 | Picasso for Asia: A Conversation - M+ Museum, Hong Kong | Art |
2025/03/15 - 2025/07/20 | Tracey Emin - Palazzo Strozzi, Florence | Art |
2025/03/18 - 2025/07/06 | Art Is in the Street (Posters) - Musée d'Orsay, Paris | Art |
2025/03/19 - 2025/08/03 | Artemisia Gentileschi - Jacquemart André, Paris | Art |
2025/03/25 - 2025/07/21 | Christian Krogh (1852-1925): The People of the North - Musée d'Orsay, Paris | Art |
2025/04/05 - 2025/09/02 | Ruth Asawa Retrospective - SFMOMA, San Francisco | Art |
2025/04/27 - 2025/08/03 | Sargent in Paris - The MET, New York | Art |
2025/05/01 - 2025/09/07 | Hiroshige: The Art of the Road - British Museum, London | Art |
2025/05/02 - 2025/07/27 | Spirit and Splendor: El Greco, Velázquez and the Hispanic Baroque - Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee | Art |
2025/05/24 - 2025/09/07 | Dangerously Modern: Australian Women Artists In Europe 1890-1940 - Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide | Art |
2025/06/06 - 2026/01/04 | Nikki de St Phalle, Jean Tinguely, Pontus Hulten - Grand Palais, Paris | Art |
2025/06/10 - 2025/09/14 | Artemisia Gentileschi's Strong Women - The Getty Center, Los Angeles | Art |
2025/06/18 - 2025/10/12 | Women Artists and Modernism 1910-1950 - Belvedere, Vienna | Art |
2025/06/20 - 2025/09/07 | Jenny Saville: The Art of Painting - National Gallery, London | Art |
2025/06/28 - 2025/10/26 | Kiefer/Van Gogh - Royal Academy, London | Art |
2025/07/06 - 2025/10/19 | Rose Iron Works - Cleveland Museum of Arts, Cleveland | Art |
2025/08/24 - 2026/02/01 | Spirit and Splendor: El Greco, Velázquez and the Hispanic Baroque - Blanton Museum of Art, Austin | Art |
2025/09/19 - 2026/01/11 | Gothic Modern: From Darkness to Light - Albertina, Vienna | Art |
2025/09/23 - 2026/01/11 | Sargent: The Paris Years 1874-1884 - Musée d'Orsay, Paris | Art |
2025/09/26 - 2026/01/26 | Fra Angelico - Palazzo Strozzi, Florence | Art |
2025/09/30 - 2026/01/25 | Michaelina Wautier - Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna | Art |
2025/10/11 - 2026/02/01 | Dangerously Modern: Australian Women Artists In Europe 1890-1940 - Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney | Art |
2025/10/18 - 2026/03/01 | The Stars We Do Not See: Australian indigenous Art - National Gallery of Art, Washington | Art |
2025/10/19 - 2026/02/07 | Ruth Asawa Retrospective - MOMA, New York | Art |
2025/10/01 - 2026/02/01 | Leonora Carrington - Palazzo Reale, Milano | Art |
2025/11/02 - 2026/04/26 | Gabriele Münter: Into Deep Waters - Guggenheim Museum, New York | Art |
2025/11/27 - 2026/04/12 | Turner and Constable - Tate Britain, London | Art |
2025/01/15 | Blue Ghost Lander Mission on SpaceX to Study Moon | Space |
2025/02/TBA | SpaceX Falcon 9 Launch from Vandenverg, California (TBA) | Space |
2025/02/TBA | NASA Launch of Space Observatory SPHERE (TBA) | Space |
2025/03/TBA | Return of Astronauts from the ISS (TBA) | Space |
2025/03/14 | Total Lunar Eclipse (Visible in the Americas) | Space |
2025/03/15 - 2025/04/07 | Mercury Retrograde | Space |
2025/03/20 | Spring Equinox | Space |
2025/03/29 | Partial Solar Eclipse (Visible in Northern Europe, Canada & Russia) | Space |
2025/04/03 | Astronauts from India, Poland and Hungary are Scheduled for a 2 Week Stay at ISS | Space |
2025/04/21 - 2025/04/23 | Lyrid Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/05/TBA | China's Tianwen 2 Mission to Map Asteriods | Space |
2025/05/06 - 2025/05/07 | Aquarids Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/06/21 | Summer Solstice | Space |
2025/07/28 - 2025/07/29 | Aquarids Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/07/18 - 2025/08/11 | Mercury Retrograde | Space |
2025/08/12 - 2025/08/13 | Perseids Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/09/07 | Total Lunar Eclipse (Visible in Asia, Australia, Central and Eastern Europe and Africa) | Space |
2025/09/21 | Partial Solar Eclipse (Visible in New Zealand and Antartica) | Space |
2025/09/22 | Fall Equinox | Space |
2025/10/07 | Supermoon | Space |
2025/10/07 | Draconids Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/10/21 | Orionids Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/11/04 - 2025/11/05 | Taurids Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/11/05 | Supermoon | Space |
2025/11/09 - 2025/11/29 | Mercury Retrograde | Space |
2025/11/17 - 2025/11/18 | Leonid Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/12/04 | Supermoon | Space |
2025/12/13 - 2025/12/14 | Geminid Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/12/21 | Winter Solstice | Space |
2025/12/21 - 2025/12/22 | Ursid Meteor Shower | Space |
2025/01/07 - 2025/01/10 | Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, NV | Tech |
2025/02/12 - 2025/02/13 | Africa Tech Summit in Nairobi, Kenya | Tech |
2025/02/23 - 2025/02/26 | Web Summit in Qatar | Tech |
2025/03/03 - 2025/03/06 | Mobile World Congress in Barcelona | Tech |
2025/03/10 - 2025/03/13 | Satellite Conference in Washington D.C. | Tech |
2025/04/01 - 2025/04/04 | Black Hat Asia in Singapore | Tech |
2025/04/07 - 2025/04/11 | TED Conference in Vancouver | Tech |
2025/04/09 - 2025/04/11 | Google Cloud Next in Las Vegas, NV | Tech |
2025/04/28 - 2025/05/01 | RSA Secuirty Conference in San Francisco, CA | Tech |
2025/05/28 - 2025/05/29 | WOW Summit in Hong Kong | Tech |
2025/06/04 - 2025/06/05 | AI and Big Data Expo in Santa Clara, CA | Tech |
2025/06/09 - 2025/06/13 | London Tech Week | Tech |
2025/06/11 - 2025/06/14 | VIVA Tech Conference Paris | Tech |
2025/06/16 - 2025/06/18 | World Conference on Data Science in Amsterdam | Tech |
2025/08/02 - 2025/08/07 | Black Hat USA Cybersecurity Conference in Las Vegas, NV | Tech |
2025/09/23 - 2025/09/24 | AI & Big Data Europe Expo in Amsterdam | Tech |
2025/10/05 - 2025/10/09 | GITEX Digital Summit in Dubai, UAE | Tech |
2025/10/29 - 2025/10/31 | Tech Innovation Summit in Singapore | Tech |
2025/11/10 - 2025/11/13 | Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal | Tech |
2025/01/05 | Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles | Entertainment |
2025/01/23 - 2025/02/02 | Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah | Entertainment |
2025/02/02 | Grammy Awards in Los Angeles | Entertainment |
2025/02/04 | Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana | Entertainment |
2025/02/09 | Super Bowl | Entertainment |
2025/02/12 | The Lantern Festival in Pingxi, Taiwan | Entertainment |
2025/02/13 - 2025/02/23 | Berlin International Film Festival | Entertainment |
2025/02/14 - 2025/03/04 | Carnevale di Venezia in Venice, Italy | Entertainment |
2025/02/28 - 2025/03/08 | Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Entertainment |
2025/03/02 | 96th Academy Awards (Oscars) in Los Angeles, California | Entertainment |
2025/03/07 - 2025/03/15 | SXSW South by Southwest in Austin, Texas | Entertainment |
2025/03/28 - 2025/03/30 | Art Basel Hong Kong | Entertainment |
2025/04/05 | Grand National in Liverpool, UK | Entertainment |
2025/04/11 - 2025/-4/20 | Coachella Music festival in Indio, California | Entertainment |
2025/04/21 | Boston Marathon in Boston, MA | Entertainment |
2025/04/26 | Kings’ Day in Amsterdam, The Netherlands | Entertainment |
2025/05/02 - 2025/05/04 | Formula 1 Grand Prix in Miami, Florida | Entertainment |
2025/05/03 | Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Kentucky | Entertainment |
2025/05/05 | MET Gala in New York | Entertainment |
2025/05/10 - 2025/11/23 | Venice Biennale (Architecture) in Venice, Italy | Entertainment |
2025/05/13 - 2025/05/17 | Eurovision Song Contest in Basel, Switzerland | Entertainment |
2025/05/13 - 2025/05/24 | Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France | Entertainment |
2025/05/17 | European Night of Museums | Entertainment |
2025/05/20 | International Booker Prize - London, UK | Entertainment |
2025/05/20 - 2025/05/24 | Chelsea Flower Show in London, UK | Entertainment |
2025/05/23 - 2025/05/25 | Formula 1 Grand Prix in Monaco | Entertainment |
2025/05/25 - 2025/06/08 | Tennis French Open Rolland-Garros in Paris | Entertainment |
2025/06/12 - 2025/06/15 | PGA Golf US Open in Oakmont, PA | Entertainment |
2025/06/19 - 2025/06/22 | Art Basel in Basel, Switzerland | Entertainment |
2025/06/12 - 2025/06/22 | Bach Festival in Leipzig, Germany | Entertainment |
2025/06/25 - 2025/06/29 | Glastonbury Festival in Glastonbury, UK | Entertainment |
2025/06/30 - 2025/07/13 | Wimbledon Tennis Championships in Wimbledon, UK | Entertainment |
2025/07/05 - 2025/07/25 | Tour de France | Entertainment |
2025/07/16 - 2025/08/17 | Bregenz Music and Opera Festival, Austria | Entertainment |
2025/07/24 - 2025/07/27 | ComicCon International Convention in San Diego, CA | Entertainment |
2025/07/18 - 2025/08/31 | Festival of Music and Drama in Salzburg, Austria | Entertainment |
2025/07/04 - 2025/07/27 | Bayreuth Wagner Festival in Bayreuth, Germany | Entertainment |
2025/08/01 - 2025/08/24 | Edinburgh International Festival in Edinburgh, UK | Entertainment |
2025/08/28 - 2025/09/27 | Beethoven Festival in Bonn, Germany | Entertainment |
2025/08/25 - 2025/09/07 | U.S. Open Tennis Championship in New York | Entertainment |
2025/08/27 - 2025/09/06 | Venice International Film Festival in Venice, Italy | Entertainment |
2025/09/04 - 2025/09/14 | Toronto Film Festival | Entertainment |
2025/09/20 - 2025/10/01 | Octoberfest in Munich, Germany | Entertainment |
2025/10/04 - 2025/10/14 | Dreamforce AI Festival in San Francisco | Entertainment |
2025/10/20 - 2025/10/26 | Art Basel Paris | Entertainment |
2025/11/02 | NY Marathon in New York | Entertainment |
2025/11/24 | Emmy Awards | Entertainment |
2025/12/05 - 2025/12/07 | Art Basel in Miami, Florida | Entertainment |
2025/02/09 | Opera de Paris/Il Puritani/Bellini | Opera |
2025/02/19 | La Scala/Evgenij Onegin/Tchaikovsky | Opera |
2025/03/15 | La Scala/Tosca/Puccini | Opera |
2025/03/29 | Opera de Paris/Don Carlos/Verdi | Opera |
2025/04/09 | London Royal Ballet and Opera/Carmen/Bizet | Opera |
2025/04/29 | The MET/Salome/ Strauss | Opera |
2025/05/12 | The MET/Antony and Cleopatra/Adams | Opera |
2025/05/26 | Opera de Paris/Manon Lescaut/ Puccini | Opera |
2025/06/10 | Opera de Paris/Barber of Seville/Rossini | Opera |
2025/06/27 | La Scala/Norma/Bellini | Opera |
2025/09/25 | The MET/Tosca/Puccini | Opera |
2025/10/07 | La Scala/Rigoletto/Verdi | Opera |
2025/10/26 | The MET/Il Trovatore/Verdi | Opera |
2025/11/05 | La Scala/Così Fan Tutte/Mozart | Opera |
2025/11/13 | The MET/La Bohème/Puccini | Opera |
2025/12/12 | The MET/The Magic Flute/Mozart | Opera |
2025/01/09 | 90 Anniversary of Death of Elvis Presley | Anniversaries |
2025/01/13 | 400 Anniversary of Death Jan Breughel the Elder | Anniversaries |
2025/01/24 | 60 Anniversary of Death of Winston Churchill | Anniversaries |
2025/02/05 | 65 Anniversary of Opening CERN Particle Accelerator in Geneva | Anniversaries |
2025/02/06 | 80 Anniversary of Birth of Bob Marley | Anniversaries |
2025/02/21 | 60 Anniversary of Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. | Anniversaries |
2025/03/06 | 550 Anniversary of Birth of Michelangelo | Anniversaries |
2025/03/23 | 60 Anniversary of Flight of First Manned Space Capsule Gemini 3 | Anniversaries |
2025/03/28 | 40 Anniversary of Death of Marc Chagall | Anniversaries |
2025/04/02 | 20 Anniversary of Death of Pope John Paul II | Anniversaries |
2025/04/28 | 100 Anniversary of Art Deco Style Announced at Paris World Exhibition | Anniversaries |
2025/04/30 | 80 Anniversary of Death of Adolf Hitler | Anniversaries |
2025/05/08 | 80 Anniversary of VE Day (Victory Europe) | Anniversaries |
2025/06/25 | 75 Anniversary of Start of Korean War | Anniversaries |
2025/07/01 | 100 Anniversary of Death of Eric Satie | Anniversaries |
2025/07/17 | 80 Anniversary of Potsdam Conference | Anniversaries |
2025/08/01 | 400 Anniversary of Birth of Thomas Corneille | Anniversaries |
2025/08/28 | 60 Anniversary of Death of Le Corbusier | Anniversaries |
2025/09/03 | 30 Anniversary of Founding of eBay | Anniversaries |
2025/10/10 | 40 Anniversary of Death of Orson Welles | Anniversaries |
2025/12/16 | 250 Anniversary of Birth of Jane Austen | Anniversaries |
2025/12/28 | 130 Anniversary of First Public Screening At a Cinema in France | Anniversaries |
January | Solari Report Annual Wrap Up | Solari |
April | Solari Report 1st Quarter Wrap Up | Solari |
July | Solari Report 2nd Quarter Wrap Up | Solari |
October | Solari Report 3rd Quarter Wrap Up | Solari |