Best Books for 2025

“Learning never exhausts the mind. ”
~ Leonardo da Vinci


  • Building Wealth by Catherine Austin Fitts and Ricardo Oskam: You will access excellent reading and book recommendations in Solari’s Building Wealth curriculum organized around our six pillars of building wealth. Many of the best books we review at and which are recommended in our annual lists of best books for the coming year can be found there as well. Highly recommended.
  • Meditations by Marcus Aurelius: Catherine started reading Meditations inspired by several references to Secretary of Defense James Mattis traveling with it. Is this the 21st-century Catcher in the Rye? It turns out to be a treasure trove of inspiration and sound advice.
  • Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family—How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intellectual, and Financial Assets for Generations by James E. Hughes, Jr.: Hughes outlines the steps to success and wealth preservation for wealthy families. His ideas can help families that want to be wealthy get there, too.
  • How to Avoid Financial Tangles by AIER Research Staff: This 2009 publication by the American Institute for Economic Research bills itself as a down-to-earth volume “written for those who have no special training in law and finance.” The book includes advice on owning real estate, using powers of attorney, making wills, and evaluating insurance needs. AIER continues to be a good source for books on planning.
  • Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear: The premise of Atomic Habits is that bad habits persist because we don’t have the right system in place to convert to good habits. With the right system, small changes can compound into significant results. If you want to be successful—as you define success—develop good habits and teach them to your children.
  • The Art of War by Sun-Tzu: We are in a period of change and very high friction. This classic can help when you are dealing with powerful and opposing forces.



  • “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy by David A. Hughes: This is a must-read book for understanding current events with an eye to navigating them successfully. Hughes coins the term “omniwar”—the weaponization of everything.
  • The Tower of Babel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs the World by Adam Lebor: Understanding the global economy requires understanding the central banking systems. This is an excellent history of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, the “central bank of central banks.”
  • Princes of the Yen: Japan’s Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy by Richard Werner: Professor Werner, the world’s leading expert on central banks, published this best-selling book in Japan in 2001 and in the English-speaking world in 2003. The book formed the basis for the 2014 documentary by the same title. Both book and film explore the power of central banks—often shrouded in secrecy—to transform economies. The film’s director, Michael Oswald, described Prof. Werner’s theory and findings as “truly earth shattering.”
  • AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee: Comparing China and the U.S., this thoughtful book looks at the application of deep learning AI in business, enterprise, and the economy, emphasizing how quickly implementation of AI technology is moving.
  • Black Money by Michael Thomas: When I called Bill Hamilton to talk to him about the relationship of PROMIS software to mortgage fraud, he told me to read Black Money and call him back. This is a fiction beach reading introduction to how digital systems turbocharged fraud and money laundering.


Our deep-dive reports by Catherine, John Titus, and Carolyn Betts covering all legal, financial, and political aspects of the financial coup and current reset provide the best breakdown available of what is happening and why it is happening.

  • The Real Game of Missing Money by Catherine Austin Fitts: The difference between our reality and official reality grows ever wider. That can happen as long as a significant portion of the funds we invest in government—whether as taxpayers, payers of fees and penalties, or investors—can be managed secretly and even stolen. The missing money story is not really just about money. It is about who rules.
  • The State of Our Currencies by Catherine Austin Fitts: If you want to understand—and navigate—the radical reengineering of financial and currency systems launched in 2020 by global central bankers (under cover of a pandemic), put The State of Our Currencies at the top of your reading list, and then share it with anyone who will read it.
  • The Going Direct Reset by John Titus: The Going Direct Reset, approved by G7 central bankers in August 2019, is about the reengineering of our financial system. This outstanding overview is one of the most important reports of modern financial history yet written.
  • CBDCs: Why You Want to Hold On to Your Cash by John Titus: The move to all-digital financial systems is a critical component of the centralization of control. This analysis explains why we all need to take CBDCs and other elements of digital control seriously and do what we can to turn things around.
  • Taxation: With or Without Representation? by Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn A. Betts, Esq.: If the federal government will not obey financial management laws, who can enforce the laws related to the use of our tax money? How can we make sure that precious tax proceeds are used in a productive manner for the real economy?
  • Sovereignty by John Titus: This discussion of sovereignty goes to the heart of the matter, mapping the dance between law, money, and credit—helping us see what has been happening—and also highlighting the inevitable tragedy if we do not turn things around.
  • SPACS: Investment Craze or Deep State Laundry? by Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn A. Betts, Esq.: After the G7 central bankers voted for the Going Direct Reset in August 2019, the volume of special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) skyrocketed. What happened, and why?


[Add Omniwar by Daid Hughes and AI by Whitney Webb[

  • The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government by David Talbot: Talbot has written the best book about the Kennedy assassination to date. He nails those responsible while weaving a fascinating story of American history. If you want to understand the U.S. “deep state,” this is not to be missed.
  • Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood: Technology is being used to centralize control. Wood provides significant documentation that makes the invisible shift in power visible. Wood followed up Technocracy Rising with Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.
  • The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order by Sean McFate: The United States’ sponsorship of private intelligence, security services, and armies has blossomed with extraordinary expenditures for services in the Middle East. This has created a significant private capacity to bring force to bear and to wage war.
  • The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Kennedy documents the long slide of American health care into a killing machine. This bestseller is a page-turner—one destined to become a classic in both the political and true crime categories.
  • Genocide: Russia and the New World Order by Sergei Glazyev: Glazyev is a Russian economist who provides an in-depth look at the economic implosion of the Soviet Union after 1989. It provides an excellent case study on the shock doctrine economics of Western hybrid warfare.
  • The Last World War: The U.S. to Move and Lose by Sergei Glazyev: In 2016, Glazyev published this analysis of United States and G7 efforts to start a war with Russia. He discusses the goals as well as tactical issues faced by both sides and the impact on the world’s political and economic systems. If you have read David Hughes’ book on the tactics being applied globally to build out a technocratic state, Glazyev’s work provides a complementary case study, showing how hybrid war and “omniwar” are applied in a situation that could have profound effects on us all.


  • People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil by M. Scott Peck: Peck’s classic provides powerful insight on identifying, understanding, and managing people who do evil.
  • Secret, Don’t Tell by Carla Emory: Mind control has been going on for centuries. Emory starts in the 1400s and brings you down through history. This is one of the best books for understanding the core technology at the heart of rigging the global financial markets and just about everything else.
  • Microcosm and Medium: The Cosmic Implications and Agenda of Mind Control Technologies by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: In a departure from most books on mind control, which focus on techniques and technologies, Dr. Farrell argues that mind control of any sort has cosmological implications.
  • One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda by Michelle Stiles: How is it that so many educated, intelligent people fall for propaganda? Why is it virtually impossible to engage in meaningful debate with those who get their news exclusively from the mass media? The history that Stiles describes—looking at more than 100 years of propaganda—provides compelling answers to those questions.
  • The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John DeCamp: To understand how a “control file” system is used to govern America, it is essential to understand pedophilia. One of the best-documented cases is the Franklin scandal. Several people gave their lives so that this story could be told. Unfortunately, the slave trade continues in America on a covert basis. Catherine often says that if the US leadership gets financial transaction control, your kids will be at risk – that this is a slavery system. If you read this book, you will undertand what she is warning about.
  • Political Ponerology by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski: Political Ponerology is “a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes.” The author describes himself as a Polish psychologist who—with many other colleagues—found meaning living through Nazism and then Communism by studying how evil happens and triumphs in a wider political and economic system.
  • The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow represents the culmination of decades of Firstenberg’s research and analysis regarding electricity and wireless technology and their impacts on humans and living things. For anyone interested in understanding what is happening today and where we have gone wrong—or concerned about deterioration in our environment—it is a must-read. Firstenberg’s new book The Earth and I will publish in 2025.


  • The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance & the Memory of Nature by Rupert Sheldrake: British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has been challenging modern science’s fundamental assumptions for decades, reminding us that nature is not a machine and that traditional wisdom, intuitive experience, and scientific insights can be mutually enriching.
  • The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart: McTaggart explores the work of physicists, biochemists, and other scientists searching for evidence in their respective fields that there is a force, that she calls the Field, which connects all beings and matter at a fundamental level. And our involvement with and connection to this Field can explain many things that, heretofore, have either been unexplainable or considered not possible, including things of a psychic nature.
  • Emily Post’s Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today by Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning: The deterioration of civil discourse is profound—many of us have lost our appreciation of the good things we attract when we treat other people well. Emily Post said that “Etiquette requires the presumption of good until the contrary is proved.” That is good advice—and there is lots more in this updated edition from the Emily Post Institute.
  • Add the Emily Post Institutes book on Professional Behavior


  • The King James Bible: A complete read of the Bible, along with some of the books and knowledge edited out—including the Book of Enoch, the Book of Thomas, and various writings of the Essenes—provides a wealth of spiritual and practical insight and guidance. For most of us, easier to read and learn in a first-year Bible class.
  • A New Science of Heaven by Robert Temple: This is a tour de force history of plasma. The universe really is alive and intelligent. Temple’s years of research produce one of the best arguments for optimism we have read.
  • The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis: A classic from the master, this little collection contains the correspondence from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood, a Junior Tempter whose goal is to secure the damnation of a British man known only as “the patient.” It offers excellent ideas on how not to fall prey to divide-and-conquer tactics.
  • Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani: This is an excellent, detailed description of one woman’s near-death experience. A corporate executive in Hong Kong, Moorjani developed cancer that spontaneously went into remission after her doctors and loved ones had given up all hope. Upon hearing her story, Wayne Dyer persuaded her to write this book. The audio is particularly good, read by Moorjani herself. The careful, precise descriptions of her near-death experience provide invaluable insights on our passage to and from our physical bodies.


Seriously consider visiting the Giza Death Star website to see the collection of books by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. The world makes much more sense when you have a clearer picture of our history and the many unanswered questions we have about it. We really want Joseph to publish a complete works—alas, he has three different publishers. But that does not mean you cannot work your way through them.


  • Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts: If we are going to make America great again, we need to understand what has been destroying it. This is Catherine’s case study of how the U.S. prison-industrial complex made Washington and Wall Street rich while bankrupting American communities and taxpayers.


  • UFOs for the 21st Century Mind by Richard Dolan: Who’s really in charge? Dolan is one of the best minds on the planet to help you sort out the unanswered questions of outer space and its connections with covert finance and operations.
  • The Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman R. Bergrun: Dr. Bergrun reveals that NASA’s Voyager I (1980) and II space probes took photographs of an estimated 7000-mile-long elliptical (cigar-shaped) craft docked in the rings of Saturn.
  • Who’s Who and What’s Up in the Space-Based Economy by Catherine Austin Fitts: After over two decades of trying to sort out what is going on in space, I am confident of two things. The first is that there is quite a lot going on in space, and it has a significant impact on our day-to-day lives and finances. The second is that even after a great deal of study, I have more questions than answers.
  • Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology by Elana Freeland: This final installment in a powerful trilogy dissecting the global control grid focuses on three categories of digital and invisible technologies—global spraying, Frankenfoods, and vaccines—that in Freeland’s view constitute “transhumanist delivery systems.” Her efforts to understand unanswered questions about life on Planet Earth deserve our thanks and support.




  • The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2025: Each year I use the new World Almanac to review the basic statistics of life on Planet Earth. You can, too!


  • The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World by Lynne McTaggart: In The Power of Eight, Lynne McTaggart—whose “work has had an unprecedented impact on the way everyday people think of themselves in the world” (Gregg Braden, author of The Divine Matrix)—reveals her remarkable findings from ten years of experimenting with small and large groups, describing how the power of group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.
  • The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod: Evolution of cooperation is a general term for investigation into how cooperation can emerge and persist (also known as cooperation theory) as elucidated by the application of game theory. Traditional game theory did not explain some forms of cooperation well. The academic literature concerned with those forms of cooperation not easily handled in traditional game theory, with special consideration of evolutionary biology, largely took its modern form as a result of Axelrod’s and Hamilton’s influential 1981 paper and the book that followed.



ADD LINK TO BEST BOOKS FOR 2024 – from last years annual wrap up

“So many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible.”~ Norton JusterPERSONAL FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT
  • Building Wealth by Catherine Austin Fitts and Ricardo Oskam: You will access excellent reading and book recommendations in Solari’s Building Wealth curriculum organized around our six pillars of building wealth. Many of the best books we review at and which are recommended in our annual lists of best books for the coming year can be found there as well. Highly recommended.Meditations by Marcus Aurelius: Catherine started reading Meditations inspired by several references to Secretary of Defense James Mattis traveling with it. Is this the 21st-century Catcher in the Rye? It turns out to be a treasure trove of inspiration and sound advice.Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family—How Family Members and Their Advisers Preserve Human, Intellectual, and Financial Assets for Generations by James E. Hughes, Jr.: Hughes outlines the steps to success and wealth preservation for wealthy families. His ideas can help families that want to be wealthy get there, too.How to Avoid Financial Tangles by AIER Research Staff: This 2009 publication by the American Institute for Economic Research bills itself as a down-to-earth volume “written for those who have no special training in law and finance.” The book includes advice on owning real estate, using powers of attorney, making wills, and evaluating insurance needs. AIER continues to be a good source for books on planning.Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear: The premise of Atomic Habits is that bad habits persist because we don’t have the right system in place to convert to good habits. With the right system, small changes can compound into significant results. If you want to be successful—as you define success—develop good habits and teach them to your children.The Art of War by Sun-Tzu: We are in a period of change and very high friction. This classic can help when you are dealing with powerful and opposing forces.
  • Behavioral Investing: A Practitioner’s Guide to Applying Behavioral Finance by James Montier: Montier does a masterful job of documenting the intersection of psychology and investment. The result is actionable intelligence that can help you protect your investments from bias.Value Investing: Tools and Techniques for Intelligent Investors by James Montier: Montier unpacks the cold, hard facts of investment history and what it means to investment process and strategy. This book will make you a more intelligent, disciplined investor.Put Your Money Where Your Life is: How to Invest Locally Using Self-Directed IRAs and Solo 401(k)s by Michael H. Shuman: Writer, attorney, and entrepreneur Michael Shuman has long recognized the opportunities that come with decentralization and local investment, also recognizing that we get the future we finance. If you want food, water, and energy that you can trust, chances are that you are going to have to finance it—and much of that investment will happen locally.2nd Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: Gold and Silver: Defending Family Wealth and Sovereignty for 5000 Years by Franklin Sanders: In the U.S. and other parts of the world, gold and silver usage (as well as use of cash) are increasing and can help contribute to the infrastructure and conditions necessary for maintaining state and individual sovereignty.
  • “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy by David A. Hughes: This is a must-read book for understanding current events with an eye to navigating them successfully. Hughes coins the term “omniwar”—the weaponization of everything.The Tower of Babel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs the World by Adam Lebor: Understanding the global economy requires understanding the central banking systems. This is an excellent history of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland, the “central bank of central banks.”Princes of the Yen: Japan’s Central Bankers and the Transformation of the Economy by Richard Werner: Professor Werner, the world’s leading expert on central banks, published this best-selling book in Japan in 2001 and in the English-speaking world in 2003. The book formed the basis for the 2014 documentary by the same title. Both book and film explore the power of central banks—often shrouded in secrecy—to transform economies. The film’s director, Michael Oswald, described Prof. Werner’s theory and findings as “truly earth shattering.”AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee: Comparing China and the U.S., this thoughtful book looks at the application of deep learning AI in business, enterprise, and the economy, emphasizing how quickly implementation of AI technology is moving.Black Money by Michael Thomas: When I called Bill Hamilton to talk to him about the relationship of PROMIS software to mortgage fraud, he told me to read Black Money and call him back. This is a fiction beach reading introduction to how digital systems turbocharged fraud and money laundering.

    Our quarterly deep-dive reports by Catherine, John Titus, and Carolyn Betts covering all legal, financial, and political aspects of the financial coup and current reset provide the best breakdown available of what is happening and why it is happening.

    • The Real Game of Missing Money by Catherine Austin Fitts: The difference between our reality and official reality grows ever wider. That can happen as long as a significant portion of the funds we invest in government—whether as taxpayers, payers of fees and penalties, or investors—can be managed secretly and even stolen. The missing money story is not really just about money. It is about who rules.The State of Our Currencies by Catherine Austin Fitts: If you want to understand—and navigate—the radical reengineering of financial and currency systems launched in 2020 by global central bankers (under cover of a pandemic), put The State of Our Currencies at the top of your reading list, and then share it with anyone who will read it.The Going Direct Reset by John Titus: The Going Direct Reset, approved by G7 central bankers in August 2019, is about the reengineering of our financial system. This outstanding overview is one of the most important reports of modern financial history yet written.CBDCs: Why You Want to Hold On to Your Cash by John Titus: The move to all-digital financial systems is a critical component of the centralization of control. This analysis explains why we all need to take CBDCs and other elements of digital control seriously and do what we can to turn things around.Taxation: With or Without Representation? by Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn A. Betts, Esq.: If the federal government will not obey financial management laws, who can enforce the laws related to the use of our tax money? How can we make sure that precious tax proceeds are used in a productive manner for the real economy?Sovereignty by John Titus: This discussion of sovereignty goes to the heart of the matter, mapping the dance between law, money, and credit—helping us see what has been happening—and also highlighting the inevitable tragedy if we do not turn things around.SPACS: Investment Craze or Deep State Laundry? by Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn A. Betts, Esq.: After the G7 central bankers voted for the Going Direct Reset in August 2019, the volume of special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs) skyrocketed. What happened, and why?
    • The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government by David Talbot: Talbot has written the best book about the Kennedy assassination to date. He nails those responsible while weaving a fascinating story of American history. If you want to understand the U.S. “deep state,” this is not to be missed.Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation by Patrick Wood: Technology is being used to centralize control. Wood provides significant documentation that makes the invisible shift in power visible. Wood followed up Technocracy Rising with Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order.The Modern Mercenary: Private Armies and What They Mean for World Order by Sean McFate: The United States’ sponsorship of private intelligence, security services, and armies has blossomed with extraordinary expenditures for services in the Middle East. This has created a significant private capacity to bring force to bear and to wage war.The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Kennedy documents the long slide of American health care into a killing machine. This bestseller is a page-turner—one destined to become a classic in both the political and true crime categories.Genocide: Russia and the New World Order by Sergei Glazyev: Glazyev is a Russian economist who provides an in-depth look at the economic implosion of the Soviet Union after 1989. It provides an excellent case study on the shock doctrine economics of Western hybrid warfare.The Last World War: The U.S. to Move and Lose by Sergei Glazyev: In 2016, Glazyev published this analysis of United States and G7 efforts to start a war with Russia. He discusses the goals as well as tactical issues faced by both sides and the impact on the world’s political and economic systems. If you have read David Hughes’ book on the tactics being applied globally to build out a technocratic state, Glazyev’s work provides a complementary case study, showing how hybrid war and “omniwar” are applied in a situation that could have profound effects on us all.
    • People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil by M. Scott Peck: Peck’s classic provides powerful insight on identifying, understanding, and managing people who do evil.Secret, Don’t Tell by Carla Emory: Mind control has been going on for centuries. Emory starts in the 1400s and brings you down through history. This is one of the best books for understanding the core technology at the heart of rigging the global financial markets and just about everything else.Microcosm and Medium: The Cosmic Implications and Agenda of Mind Control Technologies by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: In a departure from most books on mind control, which focus on techniques and technologies, Dr. Farrell argues that mind control of any sort has cosmological implications.One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda by Michelle Stiles: How is it that so many educated, intelligent people fall for propaganda? Why is it virtually impossible to engage in meaningful debate with those who get their news exclusively from the mass media? The history that Stiles describes—looking at more than 100 years of propaganda—provides compelling answers to those questions.The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska by John DeCamp: To understand how a “control file” system is used to govern America, it is essential to understand pedophilia. One of the best-documented cases is the Franklin scandal. Several people gave their lives so that this story could be told. Unfortunately, the slave trade continues in America on a covert basis.Political Ponerology by Andrzej M. Lobaczewski: Political Ponerology is “a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes.” The author describes himself as a Polish psychologist who—with many other colleagues—found meaning living through Nazism and then Communism by studying how evil happens and triumphs in a wider political and economic system.The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg: The Invisible Rainbow represents the culmination of decades of Firstenberg’s research and analysis regarding electricity and wireless technology and their impacts on humans and living things. For anyone interested in understanding what is happening today and where we have gone wrong—or concerned about deterioration in our environment—it is a must-read.
    • The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance & the Memory of Nature by Rupert Sheldrake: British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has been challenging modern science’s fundamental assumptions for decades, reminding us that nature is not a machine and that traditional wisdom, intuitive experience, and scientific insights can be mutually enriching.The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by Lynne McTaggart: McTaggart explores the work of physicists, biochemists, and other scientists searching for evidence in their respective fields that there is a force, that she calls the Field, which connects all beings and matter at a fundamental level. And our involvement with and connection to this Field can explain many things that, heretofore, have either been unexplainable or considered not possible, including things of a psychic nature.Emily Post’s Etiquette, 19th Edition: Manners for Today by Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning: The deterioration of civil discourse is profound—many of us have lost our appreciation of the good things we attract when we treat other people well. Emily Post said that “Etiquette requires the presumption of good until the contrary is proved.” That is good advice—and there is lots more in this updated edition from the Emily Post Institute.
    • The King James Bible: A complete read of the Bible, along with some of the books and knowledge edited out—including the Book of Enoch, the Book of Thomas, and various writings of the Essenes—provides a wealth of spiritual and practical insight and guidance. For most of us, easier to read and learn in a first-year Bible class.A New Science of Heaven by Robert Temple: This is a tour de force history of plasma. The universe really is alive and intelligent. Temple’s years of research produce one of the best arguments for optimism we have read.The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis: A classic from the master, this little collection contains the correspondence from a senior demon, Screwtape, to his nephew Wormwood, a Junior Tempter whose goal is to secure the damnation of a British man known only as “the patient.” It offers excellent ideas on how not to fall prey to divide-and-conquer tactics.Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani: This is an excellent, detailed description of one woman’s near-death experience. A corporate executive in Hong Kong, Moorjani developed cancer that spontaneously went into remission after her doctors and loved ones had given up all hope. Upon hearing her story, Wayne Dyer persuaded her to write this book. The audio is particularly good, read by Moorjani herself. The careful, precise descriptions of her near-death experience provide invaluable insights on our passage to and from our physical bodies.

    Seriously consider visiting the Giza Death Star website to see the collection of books by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. The world makes much more sense when you have a clearer picture of our history and the many unanswered questions we have about it. We really want Joseph to publish a complete works—alas, he has three different publishers. But that does not mean you cannot work your way through them.

  • Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts: If we are going to make America great again, we need to understand what has been destroying it. This is Catherine’s case study of how the U.S. prison-industrial complex made Washington and Wall Street rich while bankrupting American communities and taxpayers.
  • UFOs for the 21st Century Mind by Richard Dolan: Who’s really in charge? Dolan is one of the best minds on the planet to help you sort out the unanswered questions of outer space and its connections with covert finance and operations.The Ringmakers of Saturn by Norman R. Bergrun: Dr. Bergrun reveals that NASA’s Voyager I (1980) and II space probes took photographs of an estimated 7000-mile-long elliptical (cigar-shaped) craft docked in the rings of Saturn.Who’s Who and What’s Up in the Space-Based Economy by Catherine Austin Fitts: After over two decades of trying to sort out what is going on in space, I am confident of two things. The first is that there is quite a lot going on in space, and it has a significant impact on our day-to-day lives and finances. The second is that even after a great deal of study, I have more questions than answers.Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism & Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology by Elana Freeland: This final installment in a powerful trilogy dissecting the global control grid focuses on three categories of digital and invisible technologies—global spraying, Frankenfoods, and vaccines—that in Freeland’s view constitute “transhumanist delivery systems.” Her efforts to understand unanswered questions about life on Planet Earth deserve our thanks and support.
  • The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom by Dr. Michael Nehls: The Solari Report has worked for many years to expose the subtle methods of “mind control” to which we all are subjected. Reading the evidence assembled by Nehls of an intentional attack on our minds and memories will help you connect the dots.Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig: If you have not discovered Sally Fallon Morell’s cookbooks, you are in for a treat!A Bold Return to Giving a Damn: One Farm, Six Generations, and the Future of Food by Will Harris: Fourth-generation cattle farmer Harris, who owns and operates White Oak Pastures, describes his transition from industrial to regenerative farming and how that benefited land, animal welfare, human health, and community. Be inspired by the indicators of wealth that this resilient farm takes into account, including soil health, diversity of grasses, water-carrying capacity, food quality, customer loyalty, and community revival.Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal: War Stories from the Local Food Front by Joel Salatin: Polyface Farm has gained widespread attention for its regenerative farming practices (“healing the land one bite at a time”) and its incubation of new generations of farmers. However, as Salatin shows in this 2007 book, Polyface’s successes have not come easily. The book colorfully recounts the obstacles presented by an “entrenched political-industrial-bureaucratic food fraternity,” and covers topics such as bird flu and electronic animal ID that unfortunately remain all too relevant.The Encyclopedia of Country Living: The Original Manual for Living Off the Land and Doing It Yourself by Carla Emory: Now in its 50th anniversary edition, the Encyclopedia of Country Living is “the definitive book of basic skills and country wisdom for living off the land, being prepared, and doing it yourself,” whether in a rural, suburban, or urban setting.The Wim Hof Method by Wim Hof: This is an excellent overview of Wim Hof’s insights on how to use breathing exercises and cold therapy to achieve significant improvements in your health. The most memorable breathing instructions yet: “Just breathe, Motherf****r!”The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Jason Fung: If you want to be inspired, watch Dr. Fung’s videos and read this book. I literally could not put it down and finished it in one sitting the day it arrived. This is hard science combined with practical, well-presented advice. I was so impressed with Dr. Fung’s analysis that I started fasting the next day.Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Joe Dispenza: In this book, “Dr. Joe” marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how we all can experience a more mystical life.Profiles of the Vaccine-Injured: “A Lifetime Price to Pay” by Children’s Health Defense: Read this book if you want to understand the dangers and financial devastation that come with injecting or ingesting poison masquerading as medicine—and doing so without full and fair disclosure of the potential consequences.The Iodine Crisis: What You Don’t Know About Iodine Can Wreck Your Life by Lynne Farrow: Iodine literacy is a critical component of navigating the Great Poisoning. Farrow’s well-organized and easy-to-read book can help you make sure you are iodine-sufficient.Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art by James Nestor: What happens when someone decides to spend 10 years learning everything he can about the science, history, and art of breathing? You get James Nestor’s Breath, a fascinating and invaluable companion piece to The Wim Hof Method.
  • A Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for your state and local county or municipality and their latest budget, financial statement, and bond official statement. See Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Wikipedia).Follow the Money: A Citizen’s Guide to Local Government by Lyndee Kemmet: This is an excellent guide that identifies steps you can take to understand local government, municipal budgets, and government resources in your community—and ways to get involved.Strong Towns: A Bottom-Up Revolution to Rebuild American Prosperity by Chuck Marohn: Strong Towns presents a new vision of urban development in the United States. Marohn explains why cities of all sizes continue to struggle to meet their basic needs and reveals a new paradigm that can help solve this long-standing problem.
  • The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2024: Each year I use the new World Almanac to review the basic statistics of life on Planet Earth. You can, too!
  • The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World by Lynne McTaggart: In The Power of Eight, Lynne McTaggart—whose “work has had an unprecedented impact on the way everyday people think of themselves in the world” (Gregg Braden, author of The Divine Matrix)—reveals her remarkable findings from ten years of experimenting with small and large groups, describing how the power of group intention can heal our lives and change the world for the better.The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod: Evolution of cooperation is a general term for investigation into how cooperation can emerge and persist (also known as cooperation theory) as elucidated by the application of game theory. Traditional game theory did not explain some forms of cooperation well. The academic literature concerned with those forms of cooperation not easily handled in traditional game theory, with special consideration of evolutionary biology, largely took its modern form as a result of Axelrod’s and Hamilton’s influential 1981 paper and the book that followed.
  • Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford: Crawford reviews the full AI ecosystem, starting with a review of its telecommunications and IT hardware infrastructure, and the electrical grid and energy that AI requires to create and operate the platform. The true costs and environmental damage are shocking. If ever there was proof that the U.S. leadership has no concern for the environment, let alone “climate change,” here it is.Imagine You Are an Aluminum Atom: Discussions with Mr. Aluminum by Christopher Exley, PhD, FRSB: If you care about the future health of the human species, you should read this absorbing book by Dr. Exley, the world-renowned expert on the subject of aluminum, who has published over 200 peer-reviewed papers on the subject. Jennifer Walters, host of Solari’s Health Series, selected Exley for her first interview in 2022. After reading this book, we understand why.The Great New Orleans Gun Grab: Descent into Anarchy by Gordon Hutchinson and Todd Masson: If you want to know what will happen to honest citizens in Tennessee (or elsewhere) if the legislature approves red flag laws, read this book.Viktor Schauberger: A Life of Learning From Nature by Jane Cobbald: Water makes up roughly two-thirds of the human body and covers about 71% of the Earth’s surface. That is why this fundamental element of life simply cannot be neglected. Cobbald offers a short yet comprehensive overview of the contributions of early 20th-century engineer and researcher Viktor Schauberger, often dubbed the “Nikola Tesla of the water realm,” discussing their implications and how they could benefit us today.“Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022 by Edward Dowd: This is an important addition to the growing evidence of mass atrocity. A tip of the hat to Dowd, his colleague Josh Stirling, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and the Children’s Health Defense and Skyhorse Publishing partnership that published this valuable contribution.
  • Best Books for 2023